Wednesday 23 November 2011

Basic knowledge of animal medicine, treatments and predator control arouse interest

Farmers use lectures
Basic knowledge of animal medicine, treatments and predator control
arouse interest
In less than a year lived 135 farmers in the four public lectures of
Agra, where the basic concepts of animal health, predator control and
marketing were discussed. The program is supported by various
companies and CCF.

Kiep Lepen (2nd from left) of Agra gave an insight into the livestock
auctions and explained to the participants pay attention to what they
should do if they market their animals. Dr. Rainer Hassel (seated
left) explained the veterinary aspects that should be observed every
farmer. Bohitile Clara, (3rd from left) led by the program.
Windhoek - A look at the livestock auctions, successful farming in
harmony with nature, veterinary aspects of health, the economic
benefits of Zufutter and first-aid kit were for cattle, the subjects
were yesterday treated to the fifth public talk of Agra. It was the
second presentation to the public of its kind in Windhoek. 60 people
had registered for the lecture, which opened recently in the Agra /
Bank Windhoek multipurpose center was offered. Among the participants
stayed for the first time five unemployed people who had been notified
by the organization "Men on the Side of the Road". This charitable
organization is trying to collect unemployment to motivate them, where
possible, to train and eventually teach. Agra has some of the
organization offered the job seekers admit to the lectures, so that
they might find a job later on farms, said the marketing manager of
Agra, Birgit Hoffmann.

The municipal, commercial, long-established farmers or weekend and
Neufarmer would know that agricultural enterprises not yield the
highest profits and the non-farming, is a fast growing sector, said
Albe Snyman of Agra. "With the ever increasing costs like fuel,
electricity and basic foodstuffs, it is increasingly difficult to draw
a profit from the agricultural sector," said Snyman. Unfortunately,
prices would rise for the products of the farmers not to the extent
that the cost of calculating and therefore farmers need more than ever
closely and revise its methods for reducing costs. In a country where
agriculture plays such a vital role in Namibia, it was important to
preserve the good reputation for their excellent meat quality, to
enjoy the country through the marketing of its products from
free-living, hormone-and disease-free animals. According to
statistics, live in Namibia seven million head of livestock (cattle,
goats and sheep) in an area of ​​70 million hectares. 59 state and
private veterinarians were responsible for these animals. "This shows
how important and effective veterinary services and how important it
is that farmers are adequately equipped to ensure the health of their
animals," said Snyman.

Especially for the young and new farmers Agra've put together a
"first-aid kit for cattle," which contains the basic equipment and
important veterinary medicines that are needed on a farm. Each
participant in the talks, which are offered by Agra, can acquire such
a first-aid kit for animals, with N $ 500 of the original cost of N $
3000 from Bank Windhoek will be worn.

Furthermore, Agra is supported by the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF)
to inform their employees about the predator control and treat farming
in harmony with nature, and the company Feedmaster, its employees and
Zufutter on nutrients for livestock.

The participants of yesterday's presentation was led by Clara
Bohitile, Neufarmer of 2006, by the all-day program. The former deputy
minister presented not only the various guest speakers, but shared
their experiences with those present.

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